When renting a car, you need to know if your auto insurance policy provides coverage for rental cars. Supplemental rental car insurance might be unnecessary if your auto policy covers you while driving a rented vehicle.
What Is Supplemental Rental Car Insurance?
When renting a vehicle, the rental agency offers supplemental car insurance coverage to help cover your liability if the vehicle is damaged in an accident. Each rental car company has different policies and coverages available. Before you accept or decline, contact your agent to find out if you should pay extra for supplemental rental car coverage.
In some instances, your personal auto insurance policy may help cover your liability for damage to the rental car and third-party injuries or property damage. Many auto insurance policies include coverage for incidental use, which is typically short-term use of a vehicle you do not own.
Questions to Ask Your Agent About Rental Car Coverage
Your agent can help you understand your current car insurance coverage before renting a vehicle so you know whether to decline rental car coverage. Ask your agent the following questions:
- If I’m in an accident and the rental car is not drivable, will I have coverage to help pay for a different rental?
- What happens if I decline additional coverage from the rental car company and then get into an accident?
- If I purchase supplemental auto insurance from the rental agency and am in an at-fault accident, will it cause my auto insurance rates to rise?
- If I rent a car for a business trip, does my personal auto policy provide coverage?
- If I rent the car and someone else drives, am I covered in an accident?
- Are my personal possessions covered if stolen from my rental car?
How to Get Insurance for Your Rental Car
Contact the agents at Gaudette Insurance Agency in Whitinsville, Massachusetts, to learn more about how your personal auto insurance may or may not help cover your liability for rental car and third-party damages. We can help you get the coverage you need at a great rate.